Producer Kevin McGraw, and Director Matt Hawley have been working on a documentary film about the life and work of Kansas Citian Jim Leedy since early 2006. Kansas City Public Television plans to air the documentary about Leedy after the final edits are completed.The project seeks to highlight Leedy's imprint on the arts community in Kansas City. "I'm just a guy that knows how important this film is to Kansas City, and the people who live here, and I know it needs to be made," Mcgraw says, citing that Leedy purchased many buildings in the Crossroads Art District to house artists' studios and, that Leedy helped artists survive. People in and around Kansas City can see the result of Leedy's influence in the Crossroads, and his dedication to building a community. The film project has received a generous donation from Margret Hall Silva, whose foundation also supports Grand Arts. McGraw says he would like to encourage friends of the arts to help with the efforts to raise funding to pay for the final costs for post production and the creation of the DVD. His goal is to Capture on film the significance of Leedy's life as a revolutionary artist and free soul. The film premiered August 31, of 2012 at Screenland in the Crossroads Arts District. Click below to find out how you can help get this project finished. 

film shoot 2006

artist with Jim Leedy 2006

artist with Jim Leedy 2010

jim and kevin 2008

Photography: © 2008 Nick Vedros

jim in one of his kilns 2008

Photography: © 2008 Nick Vedros

jim in studio 2008

Photography: © 2008 Nick Vedros

jim in studio 2008

Photography: © 2008 Nick Vedros